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Searching for Harmony Page 5
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Page 5
“At least it kept you close to your sister. Speaking of, how’s Harmony? The last you told me, she was selling the house and looking for something downtown, close to school and the hospital.”
Jake cracked his neck. “She sold the house over a month ago. Moved into her new condo about three weeks ago.”
Jake laughed. “Yeah.” Jake’s smile faded as he said, “I’m worried about her.”
Before I could ask any more questions, someone cleared their throat. “Are you guys going to hide out here all night, or are you going to come in and play a few games?”
Glancing over my shoulder, I smiled at Sherry. She stuck her hand out, and I took it and let her lead me into the living room.
Sandy slapped her hands together and said, “First game for the night is Sixes!” Dropping the dice onto the coffee table, Sandy let out a small squeal. Sitting down, I glanced across the giant coffee table and was met with blue eyes. My breath caught and I was stunned with how my stomach fell at the sight of her.
Flashing me a smile that would for sure knock any guy off his feet, Harmony held up her wineglass, winked, and said, “Preston.”
Jake sat down next to me and whispered, “Dude, I’ve never seen my sister drink, so this should be fun.”
Sandy cleared her throat and began talking. I couldn’t pull my eyes off Harmony as I watched her taking in everything Sandy was saying.
“Okay, listen up. Each person will roll the dice. If you roll a six, or two numbers that add up to a six, you have to take a shot.”
Harmony smiled bigger and I had a feeling she hadn’t gotten to have too many good times with getting pregnant at eighteen.
“Harmony, you’re up first,” Sandy said as she handed the dice to Harmony. Looking back at me, her face lit up with excitement and I couldn’t help but laugh. Jake did the same next to me.
“I fear my little sister has led a very sheltered life.”
Harmony nodded and said, “Very sheltered.”
Rolling the dice, everyone let out a cheer. Double sixes. “Drink up, Harmony,” Jake said as he poured two shots for her. After she downed them both, she made a gagging sound that had everyone laughing again. Everyone but Sherry. Sandy and Harmony were giggling like crazy as Sandy whispered something into Harmony’s ear. Sherry glared at Harmony like she was an interruption in the grand plan to win Sandy over as her BFF. A status I was pretty sure Harmony held without even trying.
Four rounds later and it was clear Harmony was not one to bring to Vegas. Every time she rolled the dice, she ended up taking a shot.
Standing up, Sherry clapped her hands. “I think it’s time to move on from Sixes. Let’s play I’ve Never.”
Harmony tittered. “I’ve never played that.”
Laughter exploded throughout the room and Sherry frowned at Harmony. “Then it looks like you’ll be good at this game, too.” Harmony’s smile faded some as she looked down.
Looking away from Harmony, Sherry went over the rules. “Okay, so for Harmony’s sake, I’ll explain the game. I’ll say something I’ve never done. If anyone else around the table has never done it, they have to drink up. If you think I’m not telling the truth you can call me out, and if you’re right, I have to take a drink. If you’re wrong, you have to take a drink.” Turning to face Harmony, Sherry asked, “Do you get it?”
Nodding, Harmony quickly looked at me. Smiling, I gave her a reassuring wink and I saw her body immediately relax.
“I’ll go first. I’ve never been to Canada.”
Everyone took a drink. Well, everyone but Sandy and Jake, who had spent a week in Canada last year. Jake just happened to have told me about the trip a few weeks ago.
Next was Harmony. Chewing on her lower lip, she said, “I’ve never had a one-night stand.”
No one picked up their drinks. Harmony’s mouth dropped open. “Are you kidding me? All of you have?”
Jake laughed and pointed to the next person. By the time we got to me, Harmony had taken another three drinks. After her one-night-stand comment, folks caught on to how naïve and inexperienced Harmony was.
“Preston!” Sherry shouted as I pulled my eyes off Harmony. “It’s your turn.”
The way Sherry glared at me told me she was pissed about something. Smiling, I said, “I’ve never had a dog.”
Harmony tilted her head and gave me the sweetest grin and said, “That’s kind of sad.”
Shrugging my shoulders, I pouted and pretended like I wiped a tear away. Harmony laughed and I glanced over at Sherry again. If looks could kill, I’d have been laid out on the floor. Smiling, I winked at her only to have her look away and whisper something into the ear of the guy sitting next to her. It wasn’t lost on me how Sherry had been flirting with the guy the entire time we had been playing these stupid games. The thing that struck me as odd was that I wasn’t bothered by it. At all.
Before the accident, I had thought there might be a slight chance at a future with Sherry. Now, it was becoming clear that we were only growing further apart.
The game came back around to Harmony. Lifting her eyes up as if she was thinking hard, she said, “I’ve never had sex in—”
Jake jumped up and shouted, “Okay! I think we’ve had enough fun with the drinking games.”
Sherry stood up and nodded. “I agree. It’s become rather boring.” Turning, she made her way over to the bar and made a drink. Harmony stayed sitting where she was as I sat across from her.
Not knowing what to say, I grinned and said, “Hey.”
Her eyes still held the same sadness they’d held that first day in the hospital. “Hey,” she whispered back.
“How are you doing, Harmony?”
Falling back on the sofa, she let out a frustrated sigh. “Considering I have discovered that not even drinking numbs my pain, I’d say I am doing pretty shitty.”
My heart felt as if it was physically aching. Her eyes caught mine and I wasn’t sure how long we sat there and stared at each other.
“I heard you moved.”
Nodding, she bit down on her lower lip and my body reacted in a way that surprised the hell out of me. For the first time since I’d known Harmony, I was physically attracted to her.
“Yep. You’ll have to come see my new place. I bought a condo on Comm Avenue.”
Swallowing hard, I barely spoke. “I’d like that.” My heart began pounding as I pictured kissing Harmony’s soft lips.
Leaning forward, Harmony’s eyes searched my face as she smiled slightly. “You’re looking at me differently than you ever have before, Preston.”
Feeling my face flush, I looked away as I stood up. “Um…excuse me, Harmony. I need some fresh air.”
Quickly making my way out to the patio, I dragged in a few deep breaths as I pushed my hands through my hair.
What the fuck is happening? For one brief second, I’d wanted to take Harmony in my arms. I’d wanted her. Seriously wanted her.
Jesus, Preston. Get a grip on yourself, you douche.
Staring out over the lights of the city, I closed my eyes and all I could see was Harmony’s smile. You cannot be falling for Harmony Banks. Jesus, get it together, Ward.
Her voice moved through my body like a warm sensation. For the first time in months, it was the only thing that made me forget for a few brief moments.
Glancing over my shoulder, I smiled. “Yeah?”
Harmony stood at the door. Beyond her, I saw Sherry hanging all over the guy she had been talking to most of the night. “I think I’m going to get sick.”
My eyes snapped back to Harmony. “What?”
She swallowed and I saw it on her face. She was about to throw up. “I’m trying really hard to hold it down.”
Rushing over to her, I picked her up in my arms and made my way through Sandy and Jake’s condo to the guest bathroom. “It’s okay, baby, just hang on.”
She buried her head in my neck, and
I prayed like hell she wouldn’t throw up on me. I can handle anything but puke on me.
Pushing the bathroom door open, I brought Harmony over to the toilet and gently set her down as I lifted the lid.
“Oh God!” she moaned as she leaned over and got sick. Spinning around in the bathroom, I looked for a washcloth. Reaching into a drawer, I pulled one out and ran it under hot water.
Kicking the door shut, I got down next to Harmony and held her blond hair back as she continued to get sick.
When nothing else would come out, she leaned back into me and cried. “I’m so embarrassed. I can’t believe I got drunk at my brother’s party and then threw up.”
Rubbing my hand down her back, I attempted to get her to settle down. “Shh, it’s okay. Every single one of those people out there has prayed to the porcelain god at some point in their life.”
Laughing, Harmony pulled back and looked at me. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
Pushing a strand of hair from her face, I whispered, “Anytime.”
Harmony’s mouth opened slightly as if she was about to say something, but she stopped herself. Looking away, she said, “I better call a cab.”
“No. No way am I letting you take a cab home. I’ll give you a ride.”
Giving me a knee-knocking smile, she asked, “Are you sure? What about…Sherry? She might not be ready to go.”
Standing up, I reached down and helped Harmony stand. “Well, I am and I’m the driver, so if she doesn’t want to leave, she’s shit out of luck.”
Covering her mouth, Harmony giggled. “You’re so bad.”
Once Harmony rinsed out her mouth again, we headed back out to the living room. Harmony was definitely drunk. She could hardly walk as she made her way over to Jake and Sandy. Following her, I stood there while she said I was taking her home.
Jake reached for my hand to shake it. “Do you work tomorrow?”
Shaking my head, I said, “No. I never drink before I’ve got a shift.”
Nodding, he slapped my back. “Thanks for taking her home, dude. I appreciate it.”
Sandy helped Harmony gather up her things while I made my way over to Sherry.
Stepping between her and her new friend, I smiled at her. “Harmony is sick and we have to take her home. We’re leaving now.”
Sherry’s smile faded as she narrowed her eyes at me. “Jake will have to take her home. I’m not ready to leave.”
Anger washed over me as Sherry looked back at the guy and chuckled as she said, “Besides, I’m working a business deal. Isn’t that right, Jerry?”
The guy smiled and nodded.
Taking Sherry by the arm, I excused us and walked her to a corner. “Sherry, I’m taking Harmony home. You’re either coming with me or finding another way home.”
Sherry poked me in the chest. “You don’t owe her anything. Stop acting like you owe her something. So her kid and husband died. It wasn’t your fault. Jesus Christ, Preston, it’s time to move on. Let her hook up with some guy here tonight. Lord knows she needs to get laid. It’s pathetic how innocent she acts.”
Grabbing her and pulling her to me, I said, “Don’t talk about her like that.”
Sherry’s mouth dropped open. “I knew it. You’re attracted to her. You sick son of a bitch. What do you want to do, Preston? Give her a courtesy fuck? Maybe if you can fuck her, it will help with the fact that you couldn’t save her son.”
I dropped her arm and took a step back. The pain that shot through my chest about brought me to my knees. Shaking her head, Sherry stepped up to me. “Shit. Preston, I didn’t mean any of that, I just—”
Looking into Sherry’s eyes, everything was clear. This relationship was nothing more than a joke. I had settled into it,s thinking it was what I wanted. Sherry was not what I wanted. I wanted someone to look at me like I was their everything, their entire life.
“Stop. Sherry, this isn’t working.” Motioning between us, I kept talking. “This thing between us, it hasn’t been working for months.”
Letting out a gruff laugh, Sherry placed her hands on her hips. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Pushing my hand through my hair, I said, “I’m not sure, but I think it’s probably best if you move out. I’m not going through a very good time right now and you deserve someone who wants the things you want.”
Dropping her mouth open, Sherry stared at me. “You’re breaking up with me, Preston? Um…no. I don’t think so. I’ve invested my time into this damn relationship, patiently waiting for you to give me a ring. You are not breaking things off between us.”
“Sherry, that’s just it. I should want to walk into a store and buy you a ring and place it on your finger, but I don’t. I’ve stood and stared at rings for hours and my heart has never once told me it is the path I want to take.”
Tears filled her eyes. “This is because of her. You feel guilty so you’re pushing me away to be with her.”
Shaking my head, I let out a sigh. “This has nothing to do with Harmony and everything to do with the fact that you want things I don’t, Sherry. Things I’m never going to want with you.”
Laughing, she placed her hands on my chest and gave me a push. “You are a complete douchebag. Do you know that? My mother told me I was crazy for dating a lowlife like you. You’ll never get anywhere, Preston. You’re content in your mediocre life and your job that makes you feel like a hero. Well, fuck you, Preston Ward.”
Pushing past me, she walked off, but not before turning around and saying, “By the way, six months into our relationship, I slept with one of the guys at the firehouse. He stopped by and took care of things while you were in Seattle. Best fuck I’ve ever had.”
My heart dropped to my stomach, but I couldn’t lie and say I was surprised. I’d had a feeling Sherry and Richards had hooked up. I saw it in their faces every time they were near each other.
Walking up to her, I looked into her eyes. “You just made this so much easier, Sherry.”
Harmony had passed out almost immediately after she sat down in my car. I prayed silently she wouldn’t throw up in my fairly new Subaru BRZ. Glancing over at Harmony sleeping, I let out a chuckle. Luckily, I had asked Jake where Harmony’s new place was. Before we left, Sandy made sure to let me know she was happy I had broken things off with Sherry.
“She’s a user, Preston. You were the only person who didn’t see it.”
As I drove to Harmony’s house, I thought back through the two years of my relationship with Sherry. It was all nothing but a joke, and that I hadn’t seen it earlier just pissed me the hell off.
Harmony let out a snore that caused me to jump. Chuckling, I pulled up to a giant Victorian house that was marked with her address.
“Holy shit,” I whispered as I remembered Jake telling me to pull down the alley behind the house. There was a parking spot that was Harmony’s even though she’d sold her car. I was impressed she was able to find a place on Comm Avenue that had parking. Cars, parking, and downtown Boston didn’t go hand in hand at all.
Putting my car in park, I peeked over at Harmony. She was sleeping so peacefully, I almost didn’t want to wake her up. For some reason, I was scared to death to carry her into her house.
Chill the hell out, Ward. You’re just bringing her home. That’s it. Nothing more can ever come from this.
Opening up the passenger-side door, I smiled as I pushed a piece of hair behind Harmony’s ear. She smiled as she opened her eyes, and I knew in that moment I was done for.
Yep. I’m totally fucked.
Chapter 7
I’ve Never
My head was pounding and I felt like I was going to throw up, but something about the way Preston was looking at me made my insides warm up. He reached in and scooped me up into his arms. He frowned as he kicked his door shut.
“You’re not eating, Harmony,” he whispered as I buried my face in his strong, broad chest. I’d never had anyon
e take care of me like this and I didn’t want to think for one minute that Preston was only doing this because he felt guilty.
As he walked up to the door with me in his arms, I managed to dig the keys out of my purse. “Preston, I can stand up, honestly. I’m not that drunk.”
“Just open the door, Harmony, and let’s get you inside. It’s cold out.”
It was October and it was unseasonably warm out, so why he said it was cold was beyond me. Giggling, I reached over and pushed the key in and opened the door. Walking into the foyer, Preston shook his head as he looked up the stairs.
“Fuck,” he whispered. “Of course it would be a walk-up.”
Climbing up the stairs, Preston stopped at the top and looked for a light. That’s when I realized he had me in his arms yet again.
“I’m in your arms again, Preston.”
Letting out a chuckle, he said, “I know. This is becoming a habit, Ms. Banks.”
Laughing, I was about to say something when Preston took a few steps forward and tripped and yelled out, “Shit! Harmony!”
Spinning around, Preston twisted so that he landed first. I ended up lying on top of him laughing hysterically. Then I realized my body was up against his body and I liked how it felt. Oh boy, did I like how it felt. Pushing off him, I attempted to stand up. “Oh my goodness! Are you okay?”
Lying on the floor, Preston moaned in pain. “What in the hell did I land on?”
Deciding I wanted to have a little bit of fun, I let out a gasp and shouted, “My cat! Are you on my cat?”
Flying up, Preston’s head hit something and he yelled out again. “Shit!”
Managing to get over to the lights, I flipped them on. Laughing so hard, I had tears streaming down my face. This feeling of being tipsy was something new and I wasn’t sure I liked how being drunk made me feel. But I was laughing and I hadn’t really laughed in months.
Oh my. Look how cute he looks spinning around as he looks for a nonexistent cat.
“Did I land on it?”
“On what?” I asked as I fell onto the sofa and kept laughing as Preston kept looking around my place. Oh man. The room is spinning.
Jake cracked his neck. “She sold the house over a month ago. Moved into her new condo about three weeks ago.”
Jake laughed. “Yeah.” Jake’s smile faded as he said, “I’m worried about her.”
Before I could ask any more questions, someone cleared their throat. “Are you guys going to hide out here all night, or are you going to come in and play a few games?”
Glancing over my shoulder, I smiled at Sherry. She stuck her hand out, and I took it and let her lead me into the living room.
Sandy slapped her hands together and said, “First game for the night is Sixes!” Dropping the dice onto the coffee table, Sandy let out a small squeal. Sitting down, I glanced across the giant coffee table and was met with blue eyes. My breath caught and I was stunned with how my stomach fell at the sight of her.
Flashing me a smile that would for sure knock any guy off his feet, Harmony held up her wineglass, winked, and said, “Preston.”
Jake sat down next to me and whispered, “Dude, I’ve never seen my sister drink, so this should be fun.”
Sandy cleared her throat and began talking. I couldn’t pull my eyes off Harmony as I watched her taking in everything Sandy was saying.
“Okay, listen up. Each person will roll the dice. If you roll a six, or two numbers that add up to a six, you have to take a shot.”
Harmony smiled bigger and I had a feeling she hadn’t gotten to have too many good times with getting pregnant at eighteen.
“Harmony, you’re up first,” Sandy said as she handed the dice to Harmony. Looking back at me, her face lit up with excitement and I couldn’t help but laugh. Jake did the same next to me.
“I fear my little sister has led a very sheltered life.”
Harmony nodded and said, “Very sheltered.”
Rolling the dice, everyone let out a cheer. Double sixes. “Drink up, Harmony,” Jake said as he poured two shots for her. After she downed them both, she made a gagging sound that had everyone laughing again. Everyone but Sherry. Sandy and Harmony were giggling like crazy as Sandy whispered something into Harmony’s ear. Sherry glared at Harmony like she was an interruption in the grand plan to win Sandy over as her BFF. A status I was pretty sure Harmony held without even trying.
Four rounds later and it was clear Harmony was not one to bring to Vegas. Every time she rolled the dice, she ended up taking a shot.
Standing up, Sherry clapped her hands. “I think it’s time to move on from Sixes. Let’s play I’ve Never.”
Harmony tittered. “I’ve never played that.”
Laughter exploded throughout the room and Sherry frowned at Harmony. “Then it looks like you’ll be good at this game, too.” Harmony’s smile faded some as she looked down.
Looking away from Harmony, Sherry went over the rules. “Okay, so for Harmony’s sake, I’ll explain the game. I’ll say something I’ve never done. If anyone else around the table has never done it, they have to drink up. If you think I’m not telling the truth you can call me out, and if you’re right, I have to take a drink. If you’re wrong, you have to take a drink.” Turning to face Harmony, Sherry asked, “Do you get it?”
Nodding, Harmony quickly looked at me. Smiling, I gave her a reassuring wink and I saw her body immediately relax.
“I’ll go first. I’ve never been to Canada.”
Everyone took a drink. Well, everyone but Sandy and Jake, who had spent a week in Canada last year. Jake just happened to have told me about the trip a few weeks ago.
Next was Harmony. Chewing on her lower lip, she said, “I’ve never had a one-night stand.”
No one picked up their drinks. Harmony’s mouth dropped open. “Are you kidding me? All of you have?”
Jake laughed and pointed to the next person. By the time we got to me, Harmony had taken another three drinks. After her one-night-stand comment, folks caught on to how naïve and inexperienced Harmony was.
“Preston!” Sherry shouted as I pulled my eyes off Harmony. “It’s your turn.”
The way Sherry glared at me told me she was pissed about something. Smiling, I said, “I’ve never had a dog.”
Harmony tilted her head and gave me the sweetest grin and said, “That’s kind of sad.”
Shrugging my shoulders, I pouted and pretended like I wiped a tear away. Harmony laughed and I glanced over at Sherry again. If looks could kill, I’d have been laid out on the floor. Smiling, I winked at her only to have her look away and whisper something into the ear of the guy sitting next to her. It wasn’t lost on me how Sherry had been flirting with the guy the entire time we had been playing these stupid games. The thing that struck me as odd was that I wasn’t bothered by it. At all.
Before the accident, I had thought there might be a slight chance at a future with Sherry. Now, it was becoming clear that we were only growing further apart.
The game came back around to Harmony. Lifting her eyes up as if she was thinking hard, she said, “I’ve never had sex in—”
Jake jumped up and shouted, “Okay! I think we’ve had enough fun with the drinking games.”
Sherry stood up and nodded. “I agree. It’s become rather boring.” Turning, she made her way over to the bar and made a drink. Harmony stayed sitting where she was as I sat across from her.
Not knowing what to say, I grinned and said, “Hey.”
Her eyes still held the same sadness they’d held that first day in the hospital. “Hey,” she whispered back.
“How are you doing, Harmony?”
Falling back on the sofa, she let out a frustrated sigh. “Considering I have discovered that not even drinking numbs my pain, I’d say I am doing pretty shitty.”
My heart felt as if it was physically aching. Her eyes caught mine and I wasn’t sure how long we sat there and stared at each other.
“I heard you moved.”
Nodding, she bit down on her lower lip and my body reacted in a way that surprised the hell out of me. For the first time since I’d known Harmony, I was physically attracted to her.
“Yep. You’ll have to come see my new place. I bought a condo on Comm Avenue.”
Swallowing hard, I barely spoke. “I’d like that.” My heart began pounding as I pictured kissing Harmony’s soft lips.
Leaning forward, Harmony’s eyes searched my face as she smiled slightly. “You’re looking at me differently than you ever have before, Preston.”
Feeling my face flush, I looked away as I stood up. “Um…excuse me, Harmony. I need some fresh air.”
Quickly making my way out to the patio, I dragged in a few deep breaths as I pushed my hands through my hair.
What the fuck is happening? For one brief second, I’d wanted to take Harmony in my arms. I’d wanted her. Seriously wanted her.
Jesus, Preston. Get a grip on yourself, you douche.
Staring out over the lights of the city, I closed my eyes and all I could see was Harmony’s smile. You cannot be falling for Harmony Banks. Jesus, get it together, Ward.
Her voice moved through my body like a warm sensation. For the first time in months, it was the only thing that made me forget for a few brief moments.
Glancing over my shoulder, I smiled. “Yeah?”
Harmony stood at the door. Beyond her, I saw Sherry hanging all over the guy she had been talking to most of the night. “I think I’m going to get sick.”
My eyes snapped back to Harmony. “What?”
She swallowed and I saw it on her face. She was about to throw up. “I’m trying really hard to hold it down.”
Rushing over to her, I picked her up in my arms and made my way through Sandy and Jake’s condo to the guest bathroom. “It’s okay, baby, just hang on.”
She buried her head in my neck, and
I prayed like hell she wouldn’t throw up on me. I can handle anything but puke on me.
Pushing the bathroom door open, I brought Harmony over to the toilet and gently set her down as I lifted the lid.
“Oh God!” she moaned as she leaned over and got sick. Spinning around in the bathroom, I looked for a washcloth. Reaching into a drawer, I pulled one out and ran it under hot water.
Kicking the door shut, I got down next to Harmony and held her blond hair back as she continued to get sick.
When nothing else would come out, she leaned back into me and cried. “I’m so embarrassed. I can’t believe I got drunk at my brother’s party and then threw up.”
Rubbing my hand down her back, I attempted to get her to settle down. “Shh, it’s okay. Every single one of those people out there has prayed to the porcelain god at some point in their life.”
Laughing, Harmony pulled back and looked at me. “Thank you for taking care of me.”
Pushing a strand of hair from her face, I whispered, “Anytime.”
Harmony’s mouth opened slightly as if she was about to say something, but she stopped herself. Looking away, she said, “I better call a cab.”
“No. No way am I letting you take a cab home. I’ll give you a ride.”
Giving me a knee-knocking smile, she asked, “Are you sure? What about…Sherry? She might not be ready to go.”
Standing up, I reached down and helped Harmony stand. “Well, I am and I’m the driver, so if she doesn’t want to leave, she’s shit out of luck.”
Covering her mouth, Harmony giggled. “You’re so bad.”
Once Harmony rinsed out her mouth again, we headed back out to the living room. Harmony was definitely drunk. She could hardly walk as she made her way over to Jake and Sandy. Following her, I stood there while she said I was taking her home.
Jake reached for my hand to shake it. “Do you work tomorrow?”
Shaking my head, I said, “No. I never drink before I’ve got a shift.”
Nodding, he slapped my back. “Thanks for taking her home, dude. I appreciate it.”
Sandy helped Harmony gather up her things while I made my way over to Sherry.
Stepping between her and her new friend, I smiled at her. “Harmony is sick and we have to take her home. We’re leaving now.”
Sherry’s smile faded as she narrowed her eyes at me. “Jake will have to take her home. I’m not ready to leave.”
Anger washed over me as Sherry looked back at the guy and chuckled as she said, “Besides, I’m working a business deal. Isn’t that right, Jerry?”
The guy smiled and nodded.
Taking Sherry by the arm, I excused us and walked her to a corner. “Sherry, I’m taking Harmony home. You’re either coming with me or finding another way home.”
Sherry poked me in the chest. “You don’t owe her anything. Stop acting like you owe her something. So her kid and husband died. It wasn’t your fault. Jesus Christ, Preston, it’s time to move on. Let her hook up with some guy here tonight. Lord knows she needs to get laid. It’s pathetic how innocent she acts.”
Grabbing her and pulling her to me, I said, “Don’t talk about her like that.”
Sherry’s mouth dropped open. “I knew it. You’re attracted to her. You sick son of a bitch. What do you want to do, Preston? Give her a courtesy fuck? Maybe if you can fuck her, it will help with the fact that you couldn’t save her son.”
I dropped her arm and took a step back. The pain that shot through my chest about brought me to my knees. Shaking her head, Sherry stepped up to me. “Shit. Preston, I didn’t mean any of that, I just—”
Looking into Sherry’s eyes, everything was clear. This relationship was nothing more than a joke. I had settled into it,s thinking it was what I wanted. Sherry was not what I wanted. I wanted someone to look at me like I was their everything, their entire life.
“Stop. Sherry, this isn’t working.” Motioning between us, I kept talking. “This thing between us, it hasn’t been working for months.”
Letting out a gruff laugh, Sherry placed her hands on her hips. “What in the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Pushing my hand through my hair, I said, “I’m not sure, but I think it’s probably best if you move out. I’m not going through a very good time right now and you deserve someone who wants the things you want.”
Dropping her mouth open, Sherry stared at me. “You’re breaking up with me, Preston? Um…no. I don’t think so. I’ve invested my time into this damn relationship, patiently waiting for you to give me a ring. You are not breaking things off between us.”
“Sherry, that’s just it. I should want to walk into a store and buy you a ring and place it on your finger, but I don’t. I’ve stood and stared at rings for hours and my heart has never once told me it is the path I want to take.”
Tears filled her eyes. “This is because of her. You feel guilty so you’re pushing me away to be with her.”
Shaking my head, I let out a sigh. “This has nothing to do with Harmony and everything to do with the fact that you want things I don’t, Sherry. Things I’m never going to want with you.”
Laughing, she placed her hands on my chest and gave me a push. “You are a complete douchebag. Do you know that? My mother told me I was crazy for dating a lowlife like you. You’ll never get anywhere, Preston. You’re content in your mediocre life and your job that makes you feel like a hero. Well, fuck you, Preston Ward.”
Pushing past me, she walked off, but not before turning around and saying, “By the way, six months into our relationship, I slept with one of the guys at the firehouse. He stopped by and took care of things while you were in Seattle. Best fuck I’ve ever had.”
My heart dropped to my stomach, but I couldn’t lie and say I was surprised. I’d had a feeling Sherry and Richards had hooked up. I saw it in their faces every time they were near each other.
Walking up to her, I looked into her eyes. “You just made this so much easier, Sherry.”
Harmony had passed out almost immediately after she sat down in my car. I prayed silently she wouldn’t throw up in my fairly new Subaru BRZ. Glancing over at Harmony sleeping, I let out a chuckle. Luckily, I had asked Jake where Harmony’s new place was. Before we left, Sandy made sure to let me know she was happy I had broken things off with Sherry.
“She’s a user, Preston. You were the only person who didn’t see it.”
As I drove to Harmony’s house, I thought back through the two years of my relationship with Sherry. It was all nothing but a joke, and that I hadn’t seen it earlier just pissed me the hell off.
Harmony let out a snore that caused me to jump. Chuckling, I pulled up to a giant Victorian house that was marked with her address.
“Holy shit,” I whispered as I remembered Jake telling me to pull down the alley behind the house. There was a parking spot that was Harmony’s even though she’d sold her car. I was impressed she was able to find a place on Comm Avenue that had parking. Cars, parking, and downtown Boston didn’t go hand in hand at all.
Putting my car in park, I peeked over at Harmony. She was sleeping so peacefully, I almost didn’t want to wake her up. For some reason, I was scared to death to carry her into her house.
Chill the hell out, Ward. You’re just bringing her home. That’s it. Nothing more can ever come from this.
Opening up the passenger-side door, I smiled as I pushed a piece of hair behind Harmony’s ear. She smiled as she opened her eyes, and I knew in that moment I was done for.
Yep. I’m totally fucked.
Chapter 7
I’ve Never
My head was pounding and I felt like I was going to throw up, but something about the way Preston was looking at me made my insides warm up. He reached in and scooped me up into his arms. He frowned as he kicked his door shut.
“You’re not eating, Harmony,” he whispered as I buried my face in his strong, broad chest. I’d never had anyon
e take care of me like this and I didn’t want to think for one minute that Preston was only doing this because he felt guilty.
As he walked up to the door with me in his arms, I managed to dig the keys out of my purse. “Preston, I can stand up, honestly. I’m not that drunk.”
“Just open the door, Harmony, and let’s get you inside. It’s cold out.”
It was October and it was unseasonably warm out, so why he said it was cold was beyond me. Giggling, I reached over and pushed the key in and opened the door. Walking into the foyer, Preston shook his head as he looked up the stairs.
“Fuck,” he whispered. “Of course it would be a walk-up.”
Climbing up the stairs, Preston stopped at the top and looked for a light. That’s when I realized he had me in his arms yet again.
“I’m in your arms again, Preston.”
Letting out a chuckle, he said, “I know. This is becoming a habit, Ms. Banks.”
Laughing, I was about to say something when Preston took a few steps forward and tripped and yelled out, “Shit! Harmony!”
Spinning around, Preston twisted so that he landed first. I ended up lying on top of him laughing hysterically. Then I realized my body was up against his body and I liked how it felt. Oh boy, did I like how it felt. Pushing off him, I attempted to stand up. “Oh my goodness! Are you okay?”
Lying on the floor, Preston moaned in pain. “What in the hell did I land on?”
Deciding I wanted to have a little bit of fun, I let out a gasp and shouted, “My cat! Are you on my cat?”
Flying up, Preston’s head hit something and he yelled out again. “Shit!”
Managing to get over to the lights, I flipped them on. Laughing so hard, I had tears streaming down my face. This feeling of being tipsy was something new and I wasn’t sure I liked how being drunk made me feel. But I was laughing and I hadn’t really laughed in months.
Oh my. Look how cute he looks spinning around as he looks for a nonexistent cat.
“Did I land on it?”
“On what?” I asked as I fell onto the sofa and kept laughing as Preston kept looking around my place. Oh man. The room is spinning.